Syndrome Ontology Relationship File
# Syndrome Ontology, created by Sunshine Weiss 2011
@prefix rdf: <>. # This turtle file contains the definitions for the Syndrome Ontology
@prefix rdfs: <>. # Contains rdf and rdfs prefixes.
@prefix syi: <>. # Prefix for instances in the syndrome ontology
@prefix syo: <>. # Prefix for the syndrome ontology
syo:thing rdf:type rdfs:Class. # defines thing as a Class
syo:feature rdfs:subClassOf syo:thing. # defines a patient's feature, eg syndactyly, hypotonia or anemia, as a thing
syo:syndrome rdfs:subClassOf syo:thing. # defines syndrome, a medical syndrome or malformation such as Down Syndrome, as a thing
syo:medicalCategory rdfs:subClassOf syo:thing. # defines medicalCategory as an anatomic or physiologic category, eg limb, as a thing
syo:featureOf rdf:type rdf:property; # a feature, such as a physical finding or lab value is associated with a syndrome
rdfs:domain syo:feature; # future versions of this ontology may include sensitivity and specificity data
rdfs:range syo:syndrome.
syo:name rdf:type rdf:property; # things have string literal names so they are easier to read
rdfs:domain syo:thing;
rdfs:range rdf:literal.
syo:nickName rdf:type rdf:property; # things have nickNames which serve as aliases, including alternate eponyms
rdfs:domain syo:thing;
rdfs:range rdf:literal.
syo:description rdf:type rdf:property; # eventually, things will have descriptions
rdfs:domain syo:thing;
rdfs:range rdf:literal.
syo:inCategory rdf:type rdf:property; # categories can have subcategories, and each feature belongs to at least one category.
rdfs:domain syo:thing;
rdfs:range syo:medicalCategory.
syo:HeadAndNeck rdf:type syo:medicalCategory. # Categories from OMIM are semantically related.
syo:Head rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:HeadAndNeck.
syo:Skull rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Cranium rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Skull.
syo:Brain rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Ears rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Eyes rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Facies rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Nose rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Mouth rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Teeth rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Mouth.
syo:Tongue rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Mouth.
syo:Thymus rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Mandible rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Scalp rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Head.
syo:Neck rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:HeadAndNeck.
syo:Voice rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Neurologic rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Hair rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Nails rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Skin rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Cardiovascular rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Vascular rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Cardiovascular.
syo:Cardiac rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Cardiovascular;
syo:inCategory syo:Chest.
syo:Chest rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Lung rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Chest.
syo:Respiratory rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Chest.
syo:Abdomen rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Liver rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Abdomen.
syo:Pancreas rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Abdomen.
syo:Gastrointestinal rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Spleen rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Abdomen.
syo:Genitourinary rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Renal rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Genitourinary.
syo:Skeletal rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Spine rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Skeletal.
syo:Joints rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Skeletal.
syo:Limb rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Skeletal.
syo:Muscle rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Limb.
syo:Endocrine rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Growth rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Hematologic rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Oncology rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Immunologic rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Lymphatics rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Metabolic rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Study rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Inheritance rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:Gene rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Inheritance;
syo:inCategory syo:Study.
syo:Lab rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Study.
syo:Radiology rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:Study.
syo:History rdf:type syo:medicalCategory.
syo:PregnancyHistory rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:History.
syo:PrenatalExposures rdf:type syo:medicalCategory;
syo:inCategory syo:PrenatalHistory.