How to get the B.I.T.E. Basic interactive Terminal Eavesdropper working using Minicom :
1. Type: install minicom
2. Type: sudo minicom -s
3. Use up and down arrows to navigate to "Serial port setup"
4. Type: enter, to select that menu option
5. Type: A to change serial device
6. Type: your USB port's name from step 5, eg: /dev/tty.usbserial-AH01CUAF
7. Type: E to change the baud rate
8. Type: E to set the rate to 9600
9. Make sure F and G are set to: No
10. If they aren't, select each and change it
11. Select: Save setup as..
12. Type: BITE
13. Exit
14. If you close it, to reopen, type: ./minicom BITE
1. Get ahold of a computer with Mac OX and a USB port. Make sure you know the administrator password.
2. Get the driver:
3. Open a Terminal window
4. Type: ls /dev/tty*
5. Look for a result with usb in it, eg (/dev/tty.usbserial-AH01CUAF) This is your USB port's name.
6. Go to
7. download minicom-2.2pkg
8. open it
9. Complete the installation process
10. Open another terminal window
11. Type: cd /opt/minicom/2.2/bin
12. Type: sudo ./minicom -s
13. Enter your computer general password
14. Use up and down arrows to navigate to "Serial port setup"
15. Type: enter, to select that menu option
16. Type: A to change serial device
17. Type: your USB port's name from step 5, eg: /dev/tty.usbserial-AH01CUAF
18. Type: E to change the baud rate
19. Type: E to set the rate to 9600
20. Make sure F and G are set to: No
21. If they aren't, select each and change it
22. Select: Save setup as..
23. Type: BITE
24. Exit
25. If you close it, to reopen, type: ./minicom BITE
How to get BITE working via Putty on a Windows PC.
1. Connect the computer to the internet.
2. Connect BITE to your USB port.
3. Windows should begin installing the correct drivers automatically. If not, try:
4. (select either 32-bit or 64-bit Windows, as appropriate)
5. Open Device Manager (Right client on (My) Computer, select Manage, select Device Manager).
6. If you see a new device with a ! next to it, particularly an "FT232R USB UART" or another USB serial device, right client on it and select Update Driver Software.
7. You might need to do the previous step for each additional serial device with a ! next to it.
8. Eventually, you should see an entry under Ports for a USB Serial Port. Note the name (such as "COM13").
9. Open your terminal software (such as Putty: )
10. Select Serial in the upper right.
11. Enter the name of the port (such as "COM13").
12. Select Open, and hit Enter to verify you at least see "> " from the device.